Without further ado, here are some of the practical family travelling tips you'll want to take advantage of for a rewarding experience.
Timely planning Before you even think of booking the flight, you must be informed about the charges and regulations involved with taking your kids on a flight. It would be best to choose an airline that allows you to pick your seats, allowing you to sit together as a family. If that's not possible with your airline, then booking the seats early enough can do the trick. This will greatly reduce inconvenience during a flight.
Avoid overnight flights Your flight schedule also matters a great deal. Overnight flights do not offer the best travel experience with kids, as they often do not work around your kids' daily routines. Most of the people you'll be travelling with want to relax during their overnight flights and, of course, you definitely don't want to bring on board a baby that spends the whole flight screaming.
Don't over pack You should check in advance to know the luggage weight limits allowed on the plane to void over packing. And it's best to involve your children in the packaging process to build up their excitement. However, encourage them to pack a small essential piece of carry-on luggage, not their entire dinosaur.
Store all the essentials, including passports, tickets, printed itinerary, and transport details in an easy-to-carry backpack. Airlines allow you to carry baby formula, breast milk, baby food, and other additional liquids in reasonable amounts through the security checkpoint. While you can also carry other foods and snacks, you must ensure they are properly packaged to avoid spilling. Most airlines will also not charge you for checked car seats, strollers, and cribs.
Orienting your kids for a flight If it's the first time for your kid to travel on the plane, its look, sound, and feel may make them terrified. Consider buying them an airplane toy and teach them the different parts of the plane to administer a healthy dose of imagination. This way, they'll find it easy and fun connecting with the real plane. Part of the orientation should also include teaching them what's appropriate and not during a flight.
Keep them entertained Kids are playful and will always want to move when they are at an airport or during the flight. If you want them to stay put, you'll need something to keep them highly entertained. Besides the conventional way of colouring books, you can also provide your kids with playthings like a tablet, iPod, iPads, and iPhones installed with their favourite games. Another excellent way to kill time is by giving kids a portable DVD player, a pair of headphones, as well as movies that will keep them glued to the screen for hours.
Visit places with most rewarding family experiences The whole idea is to have as much fun as possible, and so choosing a wonderful place here for your family is out of the question. And in line with that, Paphos Aphrodite Waterpark should be at the top of your must-visit places. It is the most visited attraction for families in Paphos, providing a serene environment where parents can relax and have fun too. There you have it!