Please see our full terms and conditions below. These include our refund and cancellation policies. If you have any question about these, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
Refund Policy
Tickets are non- refundable
Ticket Validation
Tickets are valid only for current season
Prices and Acceptance
All prices are in Euros. Ticket orders are not accepted until confirmed with confirmation number. All rates are net rates and subject to change without notice
Ticket Transfer Policy
Season Passes, Family day pass, two day passes are non-transferable and must be used by the same person on any and all days
Hours and Availability
Theme park, restaurants, attractions, entertainment or other recreation may change operating hours; close due to refurbishing, capacity, weather or special events; and may otherwise change to be discontinued without notice and without liability to the owners of the Aphrodite Water Park
Legal Claims
It is agreed between the owners of the Aphrodite Water Park and ticket users that all claims for injury or loss arising incident to the presence of the ticket users on owners' property shall be litigated in Cyprus
Admittance Policy
The owners of the Aphrodite Water Park reserve the right to refuse admittance to any person or persons
Wrist Bands
Upon entry, the Guest will be provided with a standard Aphrodite Water Park wrist band for use for the applicable purchases
Liability or Loss
Aphrodite Water Park is not responsible for any loss or inconvenience caused by computer error, or unauthorized duplication or sale of Aphrodite Water Park eTicket. In the event that duplicate Aphrodite Water Park eTicket are presented for theme park admission, Aphrodite Water Park reserves the right to refuse entry.
Paphos Aphrodite Waterpark cannot accept any claim for injury at the Paphos Aphrodite Waterpark unless it will be reported to the management of Paphos Aphrodite Waterpark on the date of such injury. Any injury which shall be compensated by Paphos Aphrodite Waterpark, assuming liability for such injury, can only be quantified upon local law and precedents for similar injuries and any foreign judgment shall not be recognized.